The moment we utter the word tension, everybody understands it as a mental stress; something to be avoided. But this is not the original connotation of this word. The word tension is originally part of the world of physics. All physical objects that are in contact can exert forces on each other. We give these contact forces different names based on the types of objects in contact. If one of the
Power Cables Suppliers objects exerting the force happens to be a rope, string, chain, or cable we call the force tension. Isaac Newton’s vital law of motion is based on this phenomenon. Even the stars and planets are bound together in the space by the tension, the force called gravity.But when the tension changes from the material world to the mental world, it creates a hell of a trouble in human mind and causes numerous diseases.
The tension between the mind and the body, between various parts of the mind becomes unbearable. Tension has become a lifestyle of the modern man, but it is not unavoidable.While listening to one of Osho’s talks I came to realise that what we call tension is simply the wrong attitudes taught to us by the education system. In this talk, Osho gives basic reasons for tensions that keep brewing in human mind. The basic ingredients are comparison, competition, ambition, impatience. Isn’t it true? Don’t we all live with these diseases that eat at our hearts? And the darkness in which they grow is called unawareness.Is there a remedy? Of course! The best point to start is from the physical activities. Instead of wasting time in finding cure for the tension start being aware of day-to-day, routine actions; and while you are doing your routine actions, remain relaxed.
When you are washing the floor, what is the need to be tense? Or when you are cooking the food, what is the need to be tense? There is not a single thing in life which requires your tension. It is just your unawareness and your impatience.It is good to remember that tension has nothing to do with anything outside, it has something to do with your inner turmoil. You always find an excuse outside only because it looks so idiotic to be tense without any reason. But tension is not outside you, it is in your wrong approach to life. You are living in competition, or continuous comparison with others — that will create tension. You are always thinking either of the past or of the future and missing the present. Do you realise what a great tension that creates? Missing the present amounts to missing life itself.It is a question of simple understanding; there is no need for any competition with anybody. You are yourself, and as you are, you are perfectly good. Accept yourself. This is the way existence wants you to be. Some trees are taller; some trees are smaller. But the smaller trees are not tense — neither are the taller trees full of ego. Existence needs variety.